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What is the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau)?
The IAB, which is also known as the Interactive Advertising Bureau, is a privately-owned and operated regulatory body identified as a lobby for individual vendors and commercial institutions undertaking and participating in online advertising and marketing efforts.
The technological advancement of online networking, the Internet, and the virtual marketplace has resulted in the proliferation of opportunities and strategies latent within online marketing and advertising efforts; however, statutory legislation required for both the oversight and regulation of online advertising and marketing efforts have undergone similar development with regard to the establishment of legal process, procedure, standards of practices existing in tandem with those same technological developments.
The goal of the IAB is to serve as a proponent and advocate for vendors, institutions, firms, and agencies undertaking both advertising and marketing efforts taking place within the online, virtual realm.
The 6 Principles of the IAB
The IAB was created in order to establish an advocacy lobby in conjunction to consumer-based advocacy lobbies with regard to the facilitation of online marketing and advertising. Primarily, the IAB maintains that that wish to both adhere to – as well as proliferate – the rights of both online advertisers and marketers, as well as the general consumer populace:
IAB Principle 1
The IAB serves to prevent the implementation, passing, and development of statutory legislation that exists in contrast with the rights and liberties belonging to those undertaking occupation within the online advertising and marketing industry; this includes legality deemed to be unconstitutional and in violation of civil rights.
IAB Principle 2
The IAB is committed to the advancement of legislation that protects newly-developed online-based marketing and advertising efforts; the IAB states that the development of legislation that allows for the constitutional regulation – and adherence – of efforts that conforms to creative freedom in a legal fashion.
IAB Principle 3
The IAB works closely with consumer protection lobbies and advocacy groups in order to provide a setting in which the rights of both consumers, as well as the rights belonging to online-based marketers and advertisers are preserved and protected; as a result, the IAB maintains that this joint union assures that a mutual understanding and conformity to set principles and standards will allow for a seamless commercial marketplace.
IAB Principle 4
The IAB maintains a commitment to the growth of the virtual, online-based marketplace in conjunction to both the proliferation of consumer rights, as well as rights entitled to online marketing and advertising efforts.
IAB Principle 5
The IAB is committed to working in tandem with both vendors, as well as consumers in order to establish a hierarchical framework to which future online-based advertising and marketing efforts can refer with regard to individual and collective events subject to potential scrutiny.
IAB Principle 6
The IAB maintains that they wish to disperse the regulatory power of Internet-based activity within the advertising and marketing industries; the terms and conditions in accordance to which the IAB operates is believed to provide a structural methodology allowing for the equal and balanced advocacy inherent within both vendors and consumers.
NEXT: What is E-Marketing?