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What is Online Video Marketing?
Online Video Marketing is a type of online marketing strategy that implements the usage of video ranging from streaming Online Video Marketing to downloadable Online Video Marketing; in conjunction to the technological advances undertaken within online-based, virtual Internet development, Online Video Marketing is considered to be amongst the newest online marketing strategies facilitated by vendors providing goods and services for online, consumer consumption:
Online Video Marketing vs. Text-Based Online Marketing
A variety of online marketing efforts employed will typically include textual – or graphical – expressions with regard to individual Internet users; certain vendors may have specific slogans, icons, or graphics that they employ with regard to their specific branding efforts. However, many vendors have adopted Online Video Marketing efforts that allow them to present marketing efforts that are more akin to traditional commercials appearing on television.
Although Online Video Marketing may prove effective for certain vendors, the cost and maintenance of such efforts may prevent other vendors from employing such online marketing efforts; as a result, online marketing strategists employed for the development and construction of online marketing efforts will typically analyze a variety of factors, details, and demographics latent within target markets prior to the undertaking Online Video Marketing efforts.
The Efficiency of Online Video Marketing
Technological advancements latent within the 21st century have allowed for this type of marketing to replace simple text-based advertisements or ‘banners’, which are identified as stationary, textual or graphical advertising and marketing efforts. However, while certain demographics may prove to respond positively to Online Video Marketing subsequent to results rendered from online marketing studies, results rendered from other demographics may prove that the degree of positive response illustrated is not worth the cost of Online Video Marketing:
Branding and Online Video Marketing
The development of ‘branding’ will typically focus on creating a certain sentiment or identifiable associations upon the mention of a particular vendor’s name; with regard to Online Video Marketing , this can be accomplished in accordance to a character, slogan, or jingle undertaken by a specific vendor’s marketing campaign. Furthermore, Online Video Marketing allows for marketing campaigns existing in video form on television can be seamlessly expressed on the Internet through the use of such Online Video Marketing efforts.
Online Video Marketing Legality
While the prospect of Online Video Marketing is considered to be a viable effort when conducted in a legal fashion, these types of marketing efforts are subject to adhere to applicable legislation existing within the realm of Commercial Law, Consumer Law, Privacy Law, and Cyber Law. Online Video Marketing existing within the setting considered to be the public domain must conform to the standards expressed within statutes defining the degree of appropriateness and decency with regard to the general public.
Localized – or specialized - Online Video Marketing that has been constructed for presentation in private or mature markets will be required to adhere to any or all standards and protocols required. Prior to undertaking an Online Video Marketing effort, individuals are encouraged to consult with an attorney in order to become better acclimated with required standards and legislation.
NEXT: Local Online Marketing Explained